Latest Update on SDE(T) to AGM(T)promotions

Dear Brothers and Sisters
Namo Buddhay
Jai Bheem

Today SEWA GS met GM Pers,BSNL  Sh S N Gupta who updated that BSNL filed petition for Early Hearing of case of SDE to AGM Promotion in which Honorable CAT Jabalpur has granted Stay Order and has fixed next date of Hearing on 23.09.2022.
BSNL Management has been trying to vacate stay order taken by a MT qualified candidate who was member of AIGETOA till opened the membership window of Executive this year and now member of SNEA after opening of membership window of Executives in the month of July 2022.

Promotion order was going to issue with Own Merit Concept and it will be issued with Own Merit Concept only after vacation of Stay Order.
Tentative vacancies are 2100+ in which all SC/ST candidates of List 8,9,10 & 11 will be covered except few candidates.

We are also trying for promotion order of Regular DGM from Adhoc and Regular AGMs so that vacancies might be created to pave way for subsequent SDEs to AGMs Promotion.

Invisible also intimated that there was court hearing Today at CAT Lucknow against SDE(C) to AGM (C) Promotion , which is posted to 12th September now.