BSNL CO ND issued letter on Promotion of JTOs (T) to SDE (T) in BSNL against 67% SCF (Promotion quota) – Order released

SEWA BSNL CHQ would to extend our heartiest congratulations to all the executives here who got a long awaited promotion from JTO to SDE and best wishes for their new assignment.

We Sincerely thank Hon’ble CMD BSNL Sh P.K. Purwar Ji, Director HR Sh Arvind Vadnerkar Ji, Sh R K Goyal Ji, PGM Pers, Smt Anita Johri- Sr GM SR & DPC Chairman  and other DPC Committee members- CLO and DGM Pers(JM) for completing the herculean task in records time.

We would like to convey  our special thanks to our beloved dynamic GS Shri N D Ram sir and CHQ team for their great effort to make it possible to implement roster in the promotion. 💐💐💐💐

JTO to SDE SCF quota Promotion LIst in Excel Format – Circle wise 08-0

JTO to SDE Promotion Order 08.07.2021-Covering

JTO(T) to SDE(T) Promotion Order 08.07.2021 – List7-21