On behalf of SEWABSNL CHQ, myself and our CHQ Office Bearers available in and around Delhi continuously meeting concerned officers to ensure Reservation roster in the upcoming JTO to SDE Promotions.
On 05/07, we met CMD BSNL and submitted the representation in person, requesting him to strictly follow reservation roster, rules and DoPT instructions while issuing Promotion orders in JTO to SDE and in all forthcoming Promotions.
Yesterday 06/07, we met PGM (Pers), Sr GM(SR) and CLO(SCT) in this regard and pressurised them strongly to honestly observe and adhere all the rules related to Reservation roster ; Reservation in Promotion. Even today 07/07, in the evening we met PGM (Pers), Sr GM(SR) and CLO(SCT) and finally now around 7.00 pm, met Director (HR), sincerely requested him to follow Reservation roster. Our CLO(SCT) is on the job right now and he is in final touch in verifying roster points.
More or less 4000 executives will get Promotions from JTO to SDE. Orders likely to be issued tonight. In ST category, they will get full upto 2008. In case of SCs, there are chances to cover fully or partially.
We are for you ;
We are vigorously trying to achieve our level best and will move further to Safe-guard our reservation rights.
All the Best.
With Regards
General Secretary
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