All please recall my message circulated on 31.12.2021 alongwith photograph with CMD in which we have shown our anger on Less Representation of SC/ST in JTO to SDE Promotion.


Dear Brothers and Sisters
Namo Buddhay Jai Bheem

Today I alongwith AGS(C) Sh Satyaveer Singh met with CMD BSNL and showed our resentments about gross violation of Reservation Roster, Backlog Vacancies and Left out Vacancies in JTO(T) to SDE(T) Promotion released yesterday night. I explained that there was violation of Reservation Roster in 2018 then it was assured to compensate in subsequent Promotion order which was ignored. Now again BSNL Management alongwith SCT Cell overlooked the Reservation Roster in yesterday’s order .

I categorically complained about the less representation of SC/ST officers in this order.
He has given assurance to examine the complaint.

We Complained about the release of Transfer Order of those AGM working in Bihar Circle and already completed their tenure of 2 years. We requested to relieve the officers of CN TX- East through ERP whose order are already issued. We also complained about the partially in OTP & Normal Transfer order in Pers Cell.

We showed our anger and anguish on inordinate Delay in releasing of Minutes of Quarterly Meeting held on7th December.

Some other issues are also discussed and finally he has given assurance to talk to Dir HR.