Our Affable SNEA General Secretary Shri M S Adasul spoken to me over phone today 16/9. He lauded with gratitude about the enthusiastic relentless election campaigning of our General Secretary Bro N D Ram and determined fervor campaign and ardor support of our CPs, CSs, Other functionaries and Bonafide Members of SEWA and he conveyed his wholehearted uncontrived Thanks to all on behalf of SNEA for showing our full confidence in him and for giving the prestigious Majority Recognised Association status to SNEA and he has assured that the Trust that we have bestowed upon him is not broken.*
*Shri M S Adasul GS SNEA has further ensured that he will sincerely work hard to help address all our grievances and concerns specifically rightful issues related to SC/ST Executive Employees and also ensured that Co-ordination between SEWA and SNEA will be maintained in a sincere manner and SNEA will maintain Cordiality with SEWA in all layers particularly in Districts and Circles as committed in the MoU made with SEWA.*
*Again, with pleasure I conveyed/extended our earnest Congratulations to Shri M S Adasul for their commendable, praiseworthy, robust and historic Thumping majority with highest margin and whole team of SNEA of all 3 layers for their affection and hospitality before and after MVP.*
*P N Perumal*
*National Chief Advisor*

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