SEWA BSNL CHQ Wishes a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sh.N D RAM, Everlasting Eternal GS of Distinguished SEWA


Today 13-01-2021,,,,,,,,Sweet Birthday of Our Glorious, Evershining,Magnificent and Worthy of high Praise,Inspiring, Admirable,Awesome, Energetic,Young Personality,,,,

A Dynamite Champion Openness,,, Conscientiousness,,, Extraversion,,, Agreeableness,,, Sympathetic Stalwart,,

A Great Simplified Chief of SEWA Army,,, A Honest, AffectionateΒ  Real Fighter,,,

His Unblemished Impeccable Flawless Efforts to Safe-guard

The Reservation roster,
The rights of SC/STs
Working in BSNL,,,,
Even during this Dreadful Covid-19,
And the Wise decision taken to Support a right Association to Control Anti SC/ST Forces
Marched the Warriors of SEWA with pride.

A Faithful, True Blue Altruistic, Sincere Promoter of Our Prestigious SEWA,,,

An Incomparable Redeemer, Rescuer Who Saved Our Esteemed Sovereignty
Of Our high Status Institution SEWA from Unscrupulous, Divisive Rabble-rousers
Power-Mongers After a long battle

That’s Our Loving GS Brother N D Ram,,,, Today 13-01-2021, His Happy Birthday.

SEWA BSNL FAMILY Whole heartedly
Wish You Plenty of Joy Today And Everyday of the
Coming Years.

You are a Fantastic Example of Wisdom, Leadership, Foresight and The Best Mentor of Our growing Functionaries.

No Doubt,,, Indeed,,, You are an Excellent, Marvelous , Wonderful Leader of Sewabsnl
And the Future.

You will be in the
Minds of Loyal Members for Your Relentless,
Resourceful and
Honest Leadership always.

Long Live Brother,,,
With Happy and Healthy
To Serve for
As well as Society
as said by Our Saviour Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar.