
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Namo Buddhay.
Jai Bhim🙏

An exclusive formal meeting of BSNL management with SEWA CHQ to discuss and resolve the burning issues was held on 30-09-2020 under the Chairmanship of Director (HR) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar at his Chamber as per schedule.

It Could not be updated instantaneously owing to some unforeseen circumstances

From management side, along with Director (HR), Shri Saurabh Tyagi Sr GM (Estt), Shri A M Gupta Sr GM (SR), Shri Ashutosh Gupta GM (Pers&Admn), Smt Samita Luthra GM (Rect), Shri Jagdish Prasad GM & CLO (SCT), Shri Ranbir Singh DGM (SCT) and Smt Asha Bawalia AGM (SCT) were present in the whole meeting.

From Association side, along with General Secretary, Shri R A Meena AGS (C), Shri Vijaypal AGS (N), Shri Mukesh EM, Shri K L Chitara NTP CO New Delhi and Shri Sachin Hoshiarpur Punjab were attended.

Only Office Bearers in and around Delhi were called by SEWA CHQ for this exclusive formal meeting in view of ongoing covid-19 pandemic.

The following burning issues of important nature submitted earlier by SEWA CHQ were taken up for discussion as per details :

1 Request to Challenge the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh Order dated 25-02-2020 before appropriate Hon’ble Higher Courts

Management acceded to file Writ Petition in the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh, They also has assured that BSNL will not file SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to avoid inordinate delay till the next hearing at Hon’ble Chandigarh High Court on the Writ Petition already filed by SEWA with regard to Reservation roster in SDE to AGM, AO to CAO and Own merit concept.

2 Further Review of results of failed SC/ST Candidates in LICE Exams

Management has assured to rethink to review further result of failed SC/SC candidates in JE LICE 2018 and JTO LICE 2019 as per DOT Order of the year – 1992.

3 Filling up of Backlog Vacancies of SC/STs in all Cadres before implementation of restructuring exercise

Management has agreed for filling up of the Backlog Vacancies of SC/STs in all cadres .

4 Scrapping of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy as the concept of the scheme is against rule of reservation

It is intimated by management that they are not doing any work for implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. They also assured that SEWA will be called for discussion and views of the Association on this particular issue will be taken into consideration,if anything in progress.
But SEWA has firmly advocated to Scrap the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy as there is no any scope for reservation in promotion in the present shape and to continue existing Promotion policies with reservation benefits.

5 Junior L/A as CAO, while Senior working as AO – Case of Shri Vijaypal AO Haryana Circle

Shri Vijaypal promoted as AO in 2008. But, One Junior most belongs to OC Community promoted as AO in 2015, has been posted as CAO, superior to him. Shri Vijaypal has to work under him. SEWA strongly opposed it and recorded dissent note on this illogical order. Due to our protest, spot decision was taken by Director (HR) and L/A as CAO has been given to Shri Vijaypal immediately.

6 Intentional blocking of long pending Transfer request – Case of Shri K L Chitara AO NTP CO New Delhi to Rajasthan Circle

The Transfer request of Shri K L Chitara AO CO NTP New Delhi, disregarding the principles of logic, held up by his GM even without forwarding in a prejudiced manner. stating unjustified motivated reasons. Due to our staunch protestation, management has agreed to settle his Transfer issue at the earliest.

Apart from this main Agenda points already submitted,,,,

∆ The long pending pathetic case of Shri V S Thulasi Raaman Sr Architect Bengaluru, request Transfer to Chennai in TN Circle or Chennai TD discussed and requested Director (HR) to dispose it favourably. Director (HR) has assured to consider the request of Shri V S Thulasi Raaman for posting in Chennai of Tamil Nadu circle or Chennai Telephones.

∆ The issue of JTO Results -2015 & Calculation of vacancies of Punjab circle discussed in detail. GM (Estt) has assured to settle the issue of JTO Punjab Circle by calculating vacancies.

∆ With regard to JTO to SDE Promotion, it is intimated by management that data of SC/STs will be called and honest steps will be taken to fill up all available vacancies as per roster points. It is strongly emphasized by us the fact it is mandatory to maintain percentage of reservation for SC/STs, very particularly ST category as early as possible.

∆ It is also assured by management to correct the Seniority list 9 of SDE and Promotion as per the date of joining.

∆ In the Reversion case of SDE to JTO , the response of management was positive. They told that on examining the report of the committee and after analysing all the legal points, the issue will be resolved favourably.

∆ We have also requested to issue Promotion Orders for STs from available SDE (C) to EE (C) in the light of observations of Hon’ble Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC/STs to ensure more opportunities for the STs. As on date only One EE (C) is working from the ST category out of 222 sanctioned strength.
Director (HR) has assured to study and issue this promotion orders at the earliest.

∆ Besides, In the special meeting ,the views of the Hon’ble Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC/STs and their spirit of the Press Release also discussed in detail and SEWA Strongly emphasized to comply with the observations of Hon’ble Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC/STs on the issues of SC/STs in BSNL.

∆ Before ending of the meeting, Director (HR) has assured to Conduct 7th Quarterly Meeting of management with SEWA probably in the last week of October -2020 for discussing the left out agenda points and find out the ways for redressal of grievances/issues.

General Secretary
