Meeting with CMD BSNL


The meeting of leaders of the Major Associations and Unions in BSNL was held on 23/07/2024 wherein discussions were held on the burning issues of the executives and Non-Executives of BSNL. This meeting was attended by the leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, SEWA BSNL, BTEU, SNEA, AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA. All together have analyzed the situation and decided to go ahead with a single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage to overcome the suffering of the entire workforce of BSNL.

It was also decided to have a welcome meeting with New CMD BSNL to give him a warm welcome, to extend support from all Associations and Unions and raise a single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage revision for minimum level of motivation of the BSNL workforce.
Accordingly, today 24/07/2024, the leaders of these Associations and Unions had a meeting with the New CMD BSNL Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerard, wherein all together gave a warm welcome with a beautiful Bouquet and a special book. We conveyed our total support to CMD BSNL for his assignment as CMD BSNL.

In reciprocation, CMD BSNL conveyed thanks for such warm welcome from different Associations and Unions together. He expressed his commitment to lead BSNL towards growth and success in a time bound manner. He appealed to all leaders to convey the message to entire workforce of BSNL that we all together have to achieve the Target of 25% Market Share Target by 2025. He shared that it is somewhat difficult but not impossible if we all put our energy together by all possible means. He added that the issues in 4G Services of BSNL are being sorted out and BSNL will surely be ready with 4G services within few months. He shared that we are working on 5G network also and very shortly BSNL will be providing 5G services. He added that due enhancement of tariffs by other operators, there is huge demand for BSNL SIM Cards and we have to reciprocate it by adding all the customers in the BSNL family.

CMD BSNL specially emphasized that BSNL is starting services in the MTNL area in Delhi and Mumbai also as there is huge potential. He added that serving these two cities is as good as giving services in 60-70 big cities. These services with 4G Equipments will give big strength to BSNL and generate the highest revenue across the India
Leaders of Unions and Associations in one voice requested CMD to take initiative to finalize the third PRC/Wage Revision in BSNL. In response he added that he is aware of this issue and he had some discussions on this issue yesterday also. He asked some time from the leaders for further discussions. He was optimistic that with the great public response, support by Government of India and support of all executives and non-executives, BSNL will definitely achieve the goal of 25% Market share. We have to show some progress in this direction and the revenue curve of BSNL should start raising upwards with our united efforts. He firmly assured that this is a genuine issue and will be surely given consideration. He assured to have separate discussions on this issue with associations, but was firm on certain positive performance by BSNL before taking up this issue with the Government of India.
The leaders agreed to his concern and assured that whatever support required by BSNL management will be provided together by Associations/Unions. We further expressed that entire workforce is hopeful for certain positive steps from BSNL Management for giving confidence to the workforce of BSNL. CMD BSNL assured that all HR issues along with demand of Pay /Wage revision will be given consideration and appealed to keep focus on achieving the target of 25% Market share of BSNL by 2025.

We stated that the issues at DoT can be taken in the coming days but it is pathetic that Wage negotiation process had not been completed for the last seven years and we are compelled to work at salaries of Year 2007. We requested for his intervention so that the process of wage negotiation is started and then whatever decision is taken by DoT for Pay revision may be applied in wage revision. CMD BSNL gave patience hearing to it and after understanding the issues assured that if it is within BSNL it will be given consideration of priority.

CMD BSNL firmly told that BSNL will provide seamless 4G & 5G services all over India including MTNL area New Delhi and Mumbai within a short span and the workforce of MTNL also will be involved in this process. They will not be merged into BSNL but will work for BSNL services in the MTNL area and continue services till further decision.
In conclusion, CMD BSNL appealed to all staff to make concerted efforts for providing seamless service to BSNL customers. All leaders thanked CMD BSNL for the positive gesture and assured to provide full support. He expressed hope that with slight change in BSNL Revenue graph, management is open to settling the 3rd PRC as well as all the major issues related to Pay, Promotions and Pension of Employees.

The response from new CMD BSNL Shri. Ravi A. Robert Jerad, on single demand of implementation of 3rd PRC/Wage revision was very positive and affirmative and we are hopeful that with his such positive leadership, BSNL will flourish and reach new heights and the due benefits of employees and executives will be passed on to them. This Meeting was held in a very enthusiastic and healthy atmosphere its good start for moving ahead on both the sides.