AUAB with a New Evolution

In the past, BSNL Management paid No attention on AUAB as it was a weaken child and thereby forced into an impasse.

It is apparently seen that AUAB has now becoming Stronger than ever after including left out Unions & Associations, predominantly, after inclusion of SEWABSNL as a Constituent member in AUAB.

The Highlights of the meeting held between the AUAB and the BSNL Board of Directors including CMD on 27-10-2021 and the positive assurances given by them are clearly indicates, Nobody can shine, can Succeed disregarding SEWA. This is the power of SEWA

Now it is crystal clear, AUAB moving in a constructive and optimistic direction and we may hopefully wait that all the issues of employees would be settled convincingly in the coming days.

Kudos to our affectionate General Secretary Bro N D RAM for his spirited active role and for using the common platform for the benefits of our members. SEWA never shirked from common issues or common demands placed by Unions & Associations.

With Warm Wishes
P N Perumal
National Chief Advisor
