COVID-19 HORRORS —– SEWABSNL CHQ, with folded hands wholeheartedly request all members, functionaries to be cautious from ongoing frightful second wave of covid-19

SEWABSNL CHQ, with folded hands wholeheartedly request all members, functionaries to be cautious from ongoing frightful second wave of covid-19

All the news channels and social medias almost are all day long only showing hospitals with full of covid critical patients, people scrambling around for hospital beds, terrifying oxygen crisis in the national capital, rushing over a wide area for widespread shortage of oxygen cylinders, dying huge number of people, overwhelmed crematoriums, monstrous burning pyres etc.

The horror stories of covid-19 are disturbing. From testing for infection to finding a bed, oxygen, icu and medicines everything has now become a nightmare. In some major cities of the country, people are dying on the streets outside hospitals due to lack of space in hospitals. And even cremating or burying the covid dead is a huge matter of concern. Long queues before crematoriums and newer places or lands allotted as burial grounds depict the sorry state of affairs. In many places people are being forced by crematoriums for mass funeral pyres as funeral services become overwhelmed. As on 1st june-2021, more than 3.54 million confirmed deaths attributed to covid-19, making it one of the deadliest pandemic in the history of the world. As on Ist June-2021, dead record of India is more than 3,40,000 and daily dead average is around 4,000. This is the present prevailing worst scenario we have been witnessing everywhere.

Now let’s come to our Bsnl. In Bsnl, daily we are coming across the shocking news of passing away of our close friends, loyal members, staunch office bearers, devoted leaders of SEWA and also members and office bearers of other unions & associations due to unprecedented rapidly spreading perilous second wave (SARS-CoV-2) of covid-19. We have so far lost more than 200 employees due to this covid-19.

It is very tragic that we could not see the dead bodies of our colleagues or close ones due to the life threatening severe virus spread and strict conditions laid down by government for safety reasons. We cannot see any covid affected friends or relatives even in the hospital during their treatment. Further, total lock downs prevents us to move from home which causes great hardship, depression and mental agony. Apart from the fact that we are unable to attend even any other programs, functions and meeting friends, well-wishers, relatives and higher-ups.

With this, with folded hands, bowed heads, we seriously request all our friends members, office bearers and leadsrs of SEWA to stay safe by taking some simple precautions such as consulting doctors on the day one of any symptoms without waiting or hesitation before damaging the organs, physical distancing, wearing a safetiest mask, avoiding crowds, cleaning hands, coughing into a bent elbow or tissue and avoiding close contact with someone who is sick and please Check local advice where you live and work. Along with these covid protocols, please practice some light Exercise and Vipashna or Yoga for prevention and to increase immunity. Practicing yoga especially ‘Pranayana’ will boost the immune system to fight against infections and increase lung capacity that put you at risk of contracting covid-19. It is also a must to get timely vaccine doses against covid-19 as there are signs, the UK is in the early stages of a third wave of corona infections. Health authorities are now warning people of the possibility of a third wave even in India.

Dear associates, we have suffered a lot because of the unceasing sudden demise of our affectionate dedicated members, office bearers and leadsrs of SEWA in the month of may-2021 due to this invisible cruel demon. It was a grim and disastrous month for SEWA.These tragedies are caused us for making this humble appeal

You are the most respectable personalities, base and Pillars of SEWA altruistically working for the interests and welfare of SC/STs through our sovereign association.You have numerous commitments that has to be completed for your lovable spouse, for your attached wards and for your close friends and relatives. So you are your most valuable asset and asset of your family.

Life is so very precious. Like it. Love it, Live it by strictly following the precautionary measures, norms and protocols prescribed against covid-19. Please mind, there is nothing more than your good health and than your family.

Please take care of yourself. Stay safe and stay happy.

This message is posted purely for the well beings of our members and functionaries.